‘New leading-edge science coming from the most well-respected institutions around the world is discovering that to an extraordinary degree, brain health… are dictated by what goes on in the gut’.
The research in the book, ‘Brain Maker’, by Dr David Perlmutter shares compellingly information as to how our gut’s bugs may as well be considered an organ in their own right and that they are just as vital to our health as our heart, lungs, liver and brain.
Dr Perlmutter shares that our intestinal flora;
This broad range of responsibilities, places these guys firmly in charge, and an important cornerstone of our health.
What we need to know;
However as Dr Perlmutter points out, ‘it works both ways’. ‘The brain can wield its own sword over the gut as well. This can create a vicious cycle, whereby psychological stress and anxiety can actually increase gut permeability and change the complexion of the gut bacteria, leading to increased leakiness of the gut and further inflammation”. And then, the idea that ‘our gut’s bugs, rather than the brain, can control our response to stress’.
He suggests we can control our metabolism and, in turn, our inflammatory pathways and brain health just by nourishing our microbiome.
6 ways to feed our microbiome and regain microbial balance;
Importantly, I also recommend adding in;
7. quality sleep.
8. spending time in nature, reconnecting with our natural, biological rhythms.
9. rewiring limiting beliefs with visualisations, affirmations, journaling or a practice of gratitude.
10. moving everyday.
11. developing a spiritual practice e.g. meditation, journalling or that which brings you back to your centre, your sense of
purpose and intuition.
12. swapping cleaning and personal care products for all natural solutions e.g. using essential oils.
And to wrap up this is a quote from the book by Dr David Topping, Chief Research Officer at CSIRO here in Australia,
‘The interaction between microflora, particularly their products and their substrate (the surface which an organism lives or obtains its nourishment), holds immense potential for the management and prevention of serious diseases, colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, perhaps even conditions like alzheimer’s, autism and parkinson’s’.
With a Scientist background and a particular interest in BUGS, this philosophy and approach to our health greatly appeals to me and just makes sense. What are your thoughts and / or experiences?
The information shared here is referenced from the book, ‘Brain Maker’, by Dr David Perlmutter 2015.
If you want to know how to create a foundation of lasting health in your family, avoiding future chronic, immune, digestive and mental illnesses join me in my online program, ‘Our Happy Children’, https://www.katebarnes.com.au/our-happy-children/