Quick And Delicious
Simple Roasted Beef Marrow Bones
March 27, 2024

If you’re looking for a very economical, nutrient rich (uber healthy) delicious meal, try this!

Roasted beef marrow bones are also quick to prepare and delicious!   They’re a ‘rich’ food and satiating, making them perfect for a light lunch or dinner or a simple & easy entree .

A little bit of history.  Bone marrow was an important sacred food for pre-industrialized Indian cultures  in the the early 1900s.

Interestingly there’s not much information to be found on the health benefits of marrow, however, Dr. Weston A . Price, a dentist who studied these cultures documented his findings in his incredible book, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration!  In it he shares that bone marrow was given as a special dietary ration for children and at times was given as a substitute for milk!  (indicating very high nutritional qualities).

Despite the lack of information available, it’s likely to be high in vitamin K2 and other fat soluble nutrients (e.g. A, D and E) due to its importance in the diets of healthy Traditional Cultures and also because it’s comprised almost entirely of fat.  Then with the important function of marrow in our bodies own healthy immune systems perhaps including it in our diets more regularly, naturally supports a strong immune system.

Either way bone marrow is a phenomenal food, inexpensive and is worth giving it a  place in our homes and on our tables.

Preparation:  5 minutes
Roasting:  20 minutes
:  approx. 4

Simple Roasted Beef Marrow Bones

  • 1kg organic beef marrow bones in half / canoes (or 8 halved bones).
  • salt and pepper
  • 8 – 10 cloves of garlic peeled & gently pressed (for faster cooking)
  • handful of chopped parsley for scattering over the top just before serving


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan forced) or 200°C normal.
  2. Rinse the halved bones and pat dry.
  3. Place in a baking dish.
  4. Season with salt and pepper.
  5. Scatter the garlic with the bones for roasting together.
  6. Place in the oven and roast for approx. 20 mins or until the marrow is nicely ‘bubbling’.
  7. When cooked, take out of the oven, scatter over the chopped parsley and serve with organic gluten free bread, sourdough or seed crackers.  Enjoy!


I scattered a handful of chopped saltbush before placing it in the oven.
Other herbs could also be used e.g. rosemary or oregano.

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