Post Natal Depletion. When matresence goes wrong.
July 8, 2018 | by kateb | 0 comments
‘Matresence: The process of becoming a mother’
~ Dana Raphael, Anthropologist
Have you heard this word before?
I hadn't. Yet it's important. It's a word every mother, new mother and mother to be, needs to know.
The definition above doesn't evoke too much interest. However... after chatting with Dr Oscar Serrallach recently, I learnt otherwise.
Dr Serrallach is an expert in post natal depletion and the author of the recently published book, 'The Post Natal Depletion Cure - a complete guide to rebuilding your health and reclaiming your energy'. Through his work he is on a mission to revive motherhood.
Post natal depletion is a syndrome coined by Dr Serrallach that's the common phenomenon of fatigue and exhaustion combined with 'baby brain' experienced by Mothers. It can last from anywhere between birth of the child, up to 7 - 10 years.
He believes post natal depletion may be affecting up to 50% of Mothers! A western phenomenon in epidemic proportions. It can happen when Matresence goes wrong.
I wrote about my own version of post natal depletion and what I experienced awhile ago.
Watch or listen to our interview here.

Matresence can be as little as 4 - 6 weeks, often longer, following the birth of a child. It occurs over a window of time completely dedicated to bonding with our babies, feeding, nurturing, replenishing our bodies and honouring our transformation, ready for child rearing and creating a fulfilling transition into motherhood while discovering a new sense of self.
Dr Serrallach defines matresence as the transformation of becoming a mother.
The consequences of not honouring this process / transformation include feelings of depletion emotionally, physically and mentally, exhaustion and overwhelm.
Why isn't Matresence part of our everyday vocabulary?
You'll learn lots more in my chat with Oscar.
We also discuss:
- key nutrients for replenishing
- hormonal imbalance & post natal depletion
- the consequences of not honouring matresence
- clues we could be depleted
- actions for replenishing and
- much more...
Watch here.
This is a discussion for every Mother and Mother to be. I hope it helps mothers feel more at peace with their role and the incredible contribution they're making to their families and their communities.
My mission is to nourish the hearts of women for a happier, healthier world (starting with myself and my family).
With new food and lifestyle choices and emotional support most of the women who come to me tired and overwhelmed start to feel better in as little as a week! All from the comfort of their own homes and with their families. My enriched mama programis for depleted mums. It is a perfect place to begin.
Along with Dr Serrallachs' book which gives a big maternal hug with information that’s practical, reliable and has stood the test of time. A trustworthy hand-book for every mother, parent and mother to be.
If you are struggling - you are not alone. Please seek support from friends, family or health professionals. It is not a weakness or a sign of failure, it's a necessity.
How we feel is real. When we feel we heal.