Is Normal An Option?
January 26, 2020 | by wp-katebarnes | 0 comments
We spent some of the January school holidays in Denmark WA where we went on a stunning 10km hike.
There were remnants of a bush fire going through a year or two earlier, yet the regrowth was vibrant and thriving (pic below). It reminded me of how unforgiving, yet remarkably tough and resilient the Aussie bush (native flora) and people are. It's this resilience we've seen in so many aspects already with those confronted by the devastation of the Australian bushfires.
I hope it's this incredible resilience that helps life return back 'to normal' sooner than later for everyone.
Although... is 'back to normal' really an option?

As Albert Einstein said, 'in the midst of every crisis, lies great opportunity'.
It's hard to imagine opportunity within the devastation. However so often when a devastating crisis, a dramatic event or a debilitating symptom is experienced, there's a corresponding action taken, lesson learned or incredible opportunity realised IF we allow it.
I see parallels with the scale of the bushfires and more frequent natural disasters, alongside the rapid escalation we are witnessing in chronic disease, neurological and auto immune conditions globally.
The rates of disaster, disease and conditions being witnessed have never been experienced before in our history.
As a species the statistics indicate we are degenerating;
- A 400% increase in ADHD over the last 20 years.
- approx. 11% of kids 4-17 years of age (6.4 million) diagnosed with ADHD in 2011.
- The ongoing escalation in autism shows that in 14 years, 1 in 4 children will have autism in the USA.
- A 200% increase in the suicide rate in children aged 10 to 14.
- 60% of the world lives with chronic disease (30% of children in the USA).
- 'Some 21 million children (almost 10% i.e. 1 in 10 globally) have been diagnosed with severe attention, behavioural, or learning problems… ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, dyslexia, tourette syndrome, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar, or other neurological conditions' ~ Dr Robert Melillo, author of Disconnected Kids.
- And the list goes on and on...
(Statistics are courtesy of the MINDD Conference 2019 & Dr. Luis Rojas Marcos Psychiatrist).
YET we are more sterilised with 'cleaner' water, 'cleaner' environments, more convenienced, more medicated & more vaccinated than we've ever been before.
WHY as a race are we not thriving?
It's clear the way we are living and how we are interacting with the environment is at play and how we are 'playing' needs to change - quickly - for the sake of our children and future generations.
We need a NEW normal.
A normal that naturally strengthens the fabric of our being, rather than weakening it. THAT is the opportunity.
Simple choices make a BIG difference.
With simplicity comes greater awareness and understanding of the environment we are living in, what our bodies are being exposed to and what they need for health - naturally.
For example, after only a few short weeks of implementing / upgrading the following we can transform health and happiness and feel remarkably better - the key is to not disregard the potency in the simplicity e.g.:
- Movement. Movement that's enjoyable, varied, incidental and preferably outdoors. We are born to move. In the book, 'Go Wild' by John Ratey MD, he refers to humans as the pocket knife of movement i.e. we easily adapt to any and all forms of movement. There is no other species on the planet so adept. We need to move.
- Sleep. Quality, not quantity e.g. getting more hours before 12am improves hormonal health, metabolism and so much more.
- Nutrition. Refer to the image below for deep healing and restoring energy. It can be confusing knowing where to begin but one things for sure when we clean out the junk, the body has efficient cellular communication and returns to homeostasis (balance).
- Sunshine. Spending time outside, especially in the elements, stimulates all of our senses, boosts immunity and so much more. When we feel we heal.
- Stillness. Stillness allows us to listen to our body and what it's quietly telling us every day. Stillness helps us to breathe deeply and restoratively. Importantly it allows us to hear our intuition - our very own internal navigation system.
- Connection. We are social beings. We need to connect with others, especially with our children with an intimate, undivided presence. It gives a sense of safety, feeling heard, validation, worthiness, confidence, happiness and so much more. It cannot be undervalued.
- Play / EnJOYment. It's when we can be creative, learn well and instantly reset our nervous system. The chance for play and fun is sadly lacking in our modern world. Add some more play in the day!
There's more but these are a great place to start and most of them are 'Free' needing very little to implement, cost nothing, accessible AND reconnect us to Nature. Our true nature.
It's motivated me even more to live by my tagline, 'Nourishing families with Natures' Medicine'.
When I connect more with the outdoors and Mother Nature, I enjoy and respect her more.
With the modern day disconnect from Mother Nature how can we possibly appreciate, respect or understand the value she offers us? We need to know her to love her 😉
It begins with us as individuals. In our hearts, in our homes and at our tables.
Is this not the opportunity for healing our planet and our species?
Before this happens.
There are SO many distractions, interventions, technologies and (in)conveniences in our lives, it's too easy to dismiss the importance of these simple, often enjoyable and potently restorative choices.
Without realising it we can easily miss the opportunity to spend time outside, connecting with nature e.g. driving to work with the windows down, walking or bike riding to the shop, leaving the windows open when we sleep - whatever the weather. It all helps.
Along with this, it can feel overwhelming. There is so much information, especially around WHAT to eat! And we just don't seem to have the time / make the time.
My suggestion. Start with the FREE medicine that FEELS good. And it may not be the food you eat but it WILL start at home.
So as big as these global health issues are, remember these simple things that we can all do in our homes to quickly elevate our health and lifestyle today!
It's easier said than done, I know. I've found it helps so much having community, family support and/or accountability.
Find your tribe and lift your vibe.
Let's transcend 'the norm' for a healthier future, especially for our children and the generations to follow.
OR let's do it together.
I love working with my clients taking them on an incredibly empowering, energising and transforming lifestyle journey that benefits the entire family.
My programs are the perfect place to begin.
I have a number of different formats ensuring there's something for everyone e.g.;
Learn lots more about my online programs, ebooks and VIP coaching over here.