Fear. The 3 things helping me.
March 21, 2020 | by wp-katebarnes | 0 comments
Last weekend I spent time scrolling social media & watching the news coming through on the virus ...
I got so caught up and consumed by the 'pandemic panic'. I was full of fear and felt horrible!... (maybe you can relate)? I finally shut it all down and after a good sleep and my run on Sunday morning, outside with the DOSE crew, I felt like my self again.
It's a fearful & stressful trap that's easy to fall into. If you've been feeling this too, remember the simple things that lift your vibe.
Other than turning off the media, moving your body and connecting with others who help you feel good, remembering the following 3 things are also helping me. I hope they help you too.
Remembering these 3 things;
1. Panic, fear or stress affects my brain.
It's actually said to kill brain cells and can even reduce the size of the brain! It affects memory and learning. Not what I/we want at this time.
2. There's one thing our immune systems hate as much, if not more, than any virus.... FEAR (... & sugar)!
Fear, stress or worry is not WHAT I need to keep my immunity strong and vibe as high as possible. Fear is debilitating to the nervous system, which in turn debilitates immunity.
Yet how I feel is my choice.
Not to understate the seriousness of world events in any way ... yet in this very moment I have the power to choose fear, worry or stress, OR to choose to enjoy and appreciate all that I have i.e. clean air, sunshine, outdoors, good food, to be able to move my body and appreciate the beauty that surrounds me. Simple pleasures, that instantly give perspective and make me feel good.
When I diffuse my fear I help to collectively diffuse fear for my family and those around me.
This quote helps me, 'What I think, I create. What I feel, I attract. What I imagine, I become'.
Whether we believe it or not now, doesn't matter. Work on believing it anyway. It will make us feel better and that's a good thing.
Then remembering;
3. There are viruses around me & my family everyday.
My children have just got through colds (after their birthdays i.e. a sugar overload)... How strong our immunity is will depend on how susceptible our systems are to a virus. Yes?
(I know there have been anomalies reported in regard to who's contracting COVID-19, however the large majority of people are recovering).
Along with social distancing which is super important, being proactive about supporting our immune systems is too. However it's always important, especially through the change of seasons (and with Easter around the corner).
'How to Strengthen Immunity & Diffuse Fear in Turbulent Times'.
A FREE online event tomorrow, Sunday 22nd March,
2:00pm - 3:00pm (WST) or 5:00pm - 6:00pm EST.
Tomorrow, Sunday 22nd of March I'm delighted to be chatting with Dr Talia Steed in a special conversation for calm & care in stressful & challenging times. If you've been feeling the turbulence OR want more information on how to support your family, Talia and I are sharing exactly what we're doing to strengthen immunity and create more calm.
Talia is a Medical Doctor with an extensive background in General Practice, Preventative Medicine, Mental Health, specialising in Wellness and teaching Yoga She regards herself as a Wellness Medical Doctor. Talia is also very at ease with world events. She has a calming energy I can't wait to share with you.
We are using simple, practical demonstrations, practices, recipes & remedies with everyday home ingredients. We'll be showing you how to work immunity magic and diffuse any hint of fear, including meditation, yoga and remedy making demonstrations.
These practices are wonderful life skills. Skills that not only allow us to navigate these turbulent times healthily, without relying on others, but optimise our mind and body for a fabulously, healthy, less stressful lifestyle - for life.
To join Talia and I simply register at https://www.katebarnes.com.au/how-to-kickstart-family-immunity
Can't join us or the timing doesn't work? All good. Register and I'll send you the recording as soon as it's available I hope we see you.

Another perspective.
With a strong immune system we fear germs less.
Bear with me... It's said we are 10x more microbe than human cells.
With this in mind, there's a life giving symbiosis we MUST nurture between our humanness and the microbial world.
It gives me peace of mind knowing this. Because, the concern needs to be more about our inner strength (resilience) and our personal vitality (well-being) as a species, and this we, as individuals, mothers and carers can change, rather than the idea of 'going to war' with germs? ⠀
Generally, across the globe in western societies, our well-being / immunity is being marginalised for many reasons which I won't go into here. However it's making us more vulnerable to dis-ease, as I've shared why in a number of previous posts e.g.
Yet, as soon as we start adding in the right tools and fuels our body immediately adjusts & returns to balance or homeostasis i.e. a well-being!
There are always going to be far more germs in our world than humans and we will NEVER be able to control Mother Nature... Perhaps now is the time to learn how we can create the terrain to LIVE better with them, and not against (or in fear of) them?