Are kids less tolerant to sugar?
April 18, 2019 | by kateb | 0 comments
Very simply, they're not less tolerant. It may seem they are, however, it's more likely;
- it's no longer a home made cake after school or dinner. Generally kids are exposed to WAY more sugar & simple carbs which affect mood, blood sugars etc.
- the sugar being used is much sweeter than it was 20 - 30 years ago. Todays highly processed high fructose corn syrup is sweeter than 'traditional' sugar originating from sugar cane AND so children have a 'sweeter' palate.
- the sweet treats often come packaged up with additives, preservatives, colours and flavourings, giving them a shelf life of ... FOREVER, which they didn't used to have nearly as much.
- childrens' digestive systems are impaired e.g. leaky gut, low stomach acid, pathogenic infections (dysbiosis & microbiome imbalance), making them more sensitive to these foods. If your child suffers from an autoimmune condition, allergy or digestive issues, they will have one of these digestive complaints.
- Their desire for sugar is heightened because it's added to most packaged foods. So their palate is 'sweeter' and if they have microbiome imbalance they can also crave sweetness.
- The sweeteners used e.g. high fructose corn syrup, white sugar are cheaper to use, so used more liberally to induce purchase and desire BUT are more highly refined and higher in fructose, which is more debilitating to the body, especially for our little ones.
And traditionally our sweet palate would've been satisfied with the natural sweetness found in leaves and tubers, a long way from the sweetness we've got used to today!
Simply, sugar is not what it used to be when we were growing up. I know it can be difficult for grandparents and others to understand this when they just want to give their grand children a little treat!
So to avoid a sugar overdose try this;
- Explain to friends and family members why sugar is not what it used to be. They may or may not understand, that's okay.
- Trade. If the kids collect way too many chocolates than you're comfortable with, try trading for a family experience they'd love, a visit to the toy shop or similar.
- Start new Easter traditions e.g. we always bought the kids new winter PJs or try including jokes and fun things in the easter hunt as well as the easter eggs.
Otherwise enjoy the special time to spend with friends and family and when you're back in a routine, you can get back on track and importantly, focus on strengthening their immunity! My mini ebook, 'Why kids get sick' is a perfect place to start.
Download it on my site for free.

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