• 500g organic unsalted butter cut into smaller chunks or as is (or more if you’d like it)
- Heat the oven to approximately 90 – 95 degrees celsius (it needs to be under 1oo degrees celsius or 200 Fahrenheit).
- Place butter into a bowl or a large glass jug.
- Put into the heated oven for approximately 30 minutes. The butter will melt and foam will rise to the top and form a light crust. Carefully skim this off the top.
- The ghee will be ready when it’s a dark, golden colour.
- Pour the ghee through a very fine strainer, (the milk solids should be settled on the bottom of the bowl or jug).
- Leave the leftover solids and discard.
- Allow the finished ghee to cool down and then store in a tightly covered jar in the fridge. It’s ready to use in all your favourite recipes.
To make a larger quantity of ghee simply use more butter e.g. 750 grams or 1kg.
Inspiration for this recipe came from the book, Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.