Get your motor runnin'
June 28, 2015 | by kate | 0 comments
In terms of the food we eat, we already know what our cells need but with the mixed messages we get in our daily lives, it's worth revisiting. Here's a recap of what & why:
- fats: enjoy them! your body does eg 60-80% of our brain is comprised of fats. Be smart and enjoy lots of good ones eg avocado, walnuts, coconut, organic butter, cream, flaxseed (ground or oil), chia seeds, fish, krill or cod liver oil etc mix it up. Some of these fats may get converted into energy, a slow-burning energy. Fat that isn't burnt off may form structures in the body. Every single cell in our body has a membrane made of fat to protect it. Hormones and vitamins are released through fat absorption. It insulates our body and protects our organs too.
- proteins: eg in fish or lamb, breaks down to enzymes that are responsible for converting carbs and fats to energy, but also for carrying hormones, relaying signals, building new tissue and bone, and removing old tissue.
- carbohydrate: the good wholesome carbs ie, from vegetables, fruit and soaked or sprouted wholegrains. These are broken down into simple sugars eg glucose, fructose and galactose and absorbed in our small intestine for quick-release energy.
- vitamin & minerals: think alkalising foods, there are lots eg vegies and fruit, herbs, seaweeds and special mention to lemons, apple cider vinegar, cacao, kudzu to name a few.
For good digestion there are many other really important things to consider eg:
- chewing - your mum was right, slow down & chew!!
- water, plus
- relaxation & importantly,
- Vitamin H(appy) for those 'good vibes'... Self love or self care is a perfect place to start.
No refined sugar mentioned... nope, our cells just can't use this stuff! And no additives, preservatives, chemicals etc.. Our cells will tolerate this 'foreign fuel' or toxins for awhile, then... one day they'll just start 'breaking down', we might develop headaches, lethargy, or even a digestive disorder or chronic disease.
Cram the good stuff in and without thinking about it you'll naturally stop eating the nutrient dead stuff - do it - you'll surprise yourself.
This description just scrapes the surface of our beautifully complex digestive system and how to get out motors runnin'.
The important thing is, 'we are not only what we eat - but what we digest (absorb)'...
Two great references for improving digestive health are:
Jordan Rubin, 'restoring digestive health' or 'the makers diet' and Elizabeth Lipski, has written a number of books specifically on this topic. There are many others...